It’s resolution time! As I leave flee from 2016, my plans are to embrace 2017 as a year of all years. Where nothing is off limits, unattainable or out of reach with enough hard work, commitment, and most of all courage.
Personally, I feel that I did not hit the ball out of the park when it came to 2016. I was pulled in many directions and overall was re-active all year, never truly able to shift to a proactive stance. So this year I am going to tackle things with a vengeance with the following goals in mind:
First, I am going to indulge a bit. I am going to actually make myself breakfast and yes, sit down to eat it, rather than nibbling on whatever the kids didn’t eat while making their lunches for school. I am going to go to the gym or try a new yoga class and then take a nice long shower afterward. And after that shower I am actually going to blow-out my hair instead of piling it wet on top of my head, and then perhaps apply some of the make-up I buy but never take the time to use. It’s the little things…
Second, I am going to have more fun by doing the things I used to love to do before there was no time to do them. I will ski, remembering how freeing it is to fly down the hill. And I will go skating again, hoping of course that muscle memory is a real thing because while I used to take figure skating lessons, it has been over twenty years since I have laced up. And tennis… I smile when I play, especially against my husband when we are trying to get shots in against one another. Again, too many years have gone by. You know its bad when your kids are amazed and remark, “Mom can do that?” Why yes! Watch me!
Third, I will reduce the amount of things in my home. And while I respect Marie Kondo, I was too scared to read her book as I secretly knew it would lead me down an organizing rabbit hole a la Monica Geller. Rather, I will go at my own pace room by room, bin by bin, and have a hell of a garage sale in the Summer. You see my husband and I moved a lot for our respective schooling in the early years of our marriage and you tend to accumulate things. And then when you hastily move to the next city you pack things up in “To be sorted bins” that then sit in the basement of the home you have lived in for seven years. Or maybe that is just me…but I am not lugging those damn bins with me into 2018.
Fourth, I will set out on a new journey for myself. More on this later, but I am embracing the chance to spend more time on this blog and with it meet new people, challenge myself, and learn A LOT!
I have not figured out how to add extra hours into the forthcoming days of the new year, so while this year has been full of best intentions falling short of results, the underlying premise to accomplishing all of the above is making the time to do them. To realize their importance and move forward always striving to sneak in an extra hour or two to pull them off. There you have it…2017 is going to be a year of all years, full of much fun and success. All the best friends!
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